01 August 2018 Living a Godly Life in an Ungodly Culture The Book of Jeremiah details God’s frustrations with the disobedience of His People. They were enamored by other cultures, worshipping false gods and disobeying His commands.[…]
29 May 2018 Stronghold Are you living life to the fullest? Or is there something that prevents you from being who you are called to be? The reason I ask is sometimes lives can be left of center, meaning, if God is not the focus, something ELSE will be. […]
12 Mar 2018 Does Jesus Talk To Us? Well, let’s begin with some of what we do know about God. We have to understand he is a relational God and relationship starts with Him. […]
13 Nov 2017 Humble Yourselves Have you ever prayed for someone who has hurt someone you love? Recently, I had the privilege to pray for someone who really hurt a member of my family. Hearing the story of what had happened momentarily made me very angry. The truth is, […]
06 Nov 2017 Unexpected Benefit of Burden Today, as I sat to read In the Gospel of Mark, the first sentence I read, struck me deeply. To set the background, the previous section of this chapter regards John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. Then, Jesus had gone to the desert for forty days where He […]
01 Nov 2017 Living By God's Watch We are easily distracted by time; or rather, time as defined by each one of us. What is just in the nick of time for one is often too late for another. But to wait upon the Lord always makes for PERFECT TIMING […]
11 May 2017 Rooted In Faith Is it in our anguish God whispers to us? Could it be the EMOTIONS tied to our trials are used by God to remind us to cling to Him? Feelings, then, can be described as the wind […]
01 May 2017 Jesus... Our Cure for Anxiety Have you ever encountered an enormous issue that seems to never end? Did this experience bring you anxiety? Was it so hard to focus that you just knew […]
27 Apr 2017 Living for Jesus Each day sitting in quiet times with Jesus can make us feel protected and even strong. Yet, when we go out the door and head to work, school, family gatherings, or into the community we can sometimes feel the pressures of the world […]
26 Apr 2017 Welcome to Blossoming Life! My name is Karen Feldmeyer, one of the founders of Blossoming Life. This is a very exciting time! Even though chaos and sadness swirls about in our lives, the Hope of Jesus with new life in Him affords us the strength to press on ahead each day. […]