
blog name November 1, 2017 /

Living By God's Watch

We are easily distracted by time; or rather, time as defined by each one of us.

What is just in the nick of time for one is often too late for another.   But to wait upon the Lord always makes for PERFECT TIMING.

Faith is born each time we cry out to God for deliverance.   A situation has us stirring, uncomfortable, sad, scared.  Yet, the pain of waiting for an answer has the opportunity to go deeper with Jesus in trust and personalize our relationship with him.   He DOES hear our cry each and every time.

Know that a plan is in progress; His plan to save.   Merciful he is to us when we get ourselves in a mess.   His tender love lights the path of rescue moment by moment.   Hours, days, weeks, years; no one can know when his time has arrived.   But make no mistake, he has NOT forgotten.   Our responsibility is to wait upon the Lord.

His faithfulness to us is shown in the tense of the words waited, turned, heard, and lifted.   Time and time again we can see the path he carved for us to take in faith.   Each occasion we wait leads to a deepening of faith in the classroom of life to learn, change, and grow in him.   This trust placed in Him, our firm foundation, can be displayed for many to see and then also trust.   Our faith in Jesus to wait upon Him can be the catalyst for others to witness and be drawn to Him.

Peace be yours to truly know that the ultimate wait for deliverance has already occurred.   Jesus has come that we will choose to live.   Our deliverance is the belief that He is Lord and that He conquered death so we will live eternally with him; therefore we shall not fear.

You see, by our faith we are rescued and saved.   Now it is time to learn, for we are already His!

Peace to you this day!

With the Love of Jesus,

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